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Sharper2024_CATANIA_869x358px MeseCiminiera_bannersito CopertinaFb Slide_Meet


  • Assegnato il premio Asimov 2024.

    09 May 2024
    È stata annunciata al Salone del Libro di Torino l’opera vincitrice del Premio ASIMOV 2024. Si tratta di ALTRE TERRE. Viaggio alla scoperta di pianeti extrasolari, di Giovanni Covone.
  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    08 February 2023
    February 11th is the octave International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  • BE SMART: Basic Experiments with the Smartphone

    26 September 2022
    Let's discover together how smartphones can be used as Physics Laboratories
  • Italian National Congress on Geopolymers

    28 January 2022
    Catania hosts the National Congress "New Frontiers in Innovative and Green Materials for Cultural Heritage Conservation and Construction Industry"  
  • Happy Birthday CSFNSM!

    05 December 2020
    Today December 5th the CSFNSM celebrates 65 years of activity. Happy birthday and long life to CSFNSM!
  • "Fiera delle Idee" PO-FESR 2014-2020

    31 January 2017
    Si terrà il 31 gennaio 2017, con inizio alle ore 10:30, nell'Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia la "Fiera delle Idee", un incontro organizzato dall'INFN Sezione di Catania e dal Dipart...
  • CERN sotto il Vulcano is going to end

    23 October 2016
    Last day for our photo exhibition "CERN sotto il Vulcano" dedicated to the first 60 years of CERN life. 
  • Continues CERN sotto il Vulcano

    03 October 2016
    After the great success of the inaugural evening, continues CERN sotto il Vulcano, the photo exhibition, organized by CSFNSM in cooperation with the University of Catania and INFN.
  • CERN sotto il Vulcano: Opening

    30 September 2016
    It was inaugurated tonight CERN sotto il Vulcano, photo exhibition-event, organized by the Center Siciliano Nuclear Physics in collaboration with the University of Catania and INFN and sponsored by the...
  • Il CSFNSM a Globus Magazine

    29 September 2016
    Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 16:00 on channel 819 GLOBUS TELEVISION Digital TV for Sicily and GLOBUS RADIO STATION airs Radio-Ritratto "Pennellate dal mondo Vip" Studio guest the Director of the Sic...


  • Meet "LE" Researchers

    Meet "LE" Researchers

    Laboratories and experiments hold by Women in Science
      IX International Day of Women and Girls in Science 
  • Turn on Sharper's owl

    Turn on Sharper's owl

    Paper circuits laboratory for the European Researchers' Night
      Il CSFNSM partecipa a Sharper 2023 - Notte Europea dei Ricercatori con un laboratorio sui circuiti elettrici per costruire un gufetto di Sharper luminoso.
  • Let's save the environment by learning about it

    Let's save the environment by learning about it

    Environmental physics laboratory for the European Researchers' Night
      The CSFNSM participates in Sharper 2023 - European Researchers' Night with a laboratory on environmental physics.
  • Science and Technology in Catania: the role of women

    Science and Technology in Catania: the role of women

    Meeting-debate on the occasion of the Eighth International Day of Women and Girls in Science 
      Meeting and round table with female researchers from Catania, on the occasion of the eighth edition of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  • Pint of Science 2022

    Pint of Science 2022

    We bring science to the pubs
        Pint of Science, the largest scientific dissemination event in the world, for the fifth time in Catania thanks also to the CSFNSM which is the local sponsor. Three days of science and beer to talk informally about the most current scientific research. After two years of pandemic, science is back in the pubs.
  • Forces of Nature

    Forces of Nature: Me and ...

    Folowing women who have left their mark on Science 
        It is a virtual exhibition but also a talk-show to get to know some of the greatest scientists who have marked the history of Science with their work and their discoveries. Alongside these figures of exceptional women, 11 scientists from Catania confront and talk about each other with an exceptional interviewer, Sara Zambotti, host of the Caterpillar radio broadcast. When and Where:  27th November 2020 Città della Scienza Via Simeto 24 Catania   Virtual exhibition from Città della Scienza Unict and live talk show leads Sara Zambotti Women who have won the Nobel, women who despite making great discoveries have not won it, women who were the first to win prejudices of gender and race, women who have marked the history of science.Scientists of yesterday but also scientists of today: to tell us about these great figures will be eleven researchers from Catania who took inspiration from these great figures and who today conduct their research ranging from Particle Physics to Information Technology, from Astrophysics to Applied Mathematics, mixingexperiments and theory together, but above all always bringing within that healthy curiosity that distinguishes those who do research.  Me and Ada Lovelace: computers and programming  – Prof.ssa M. MADONIA (Unict) Me and Emmy Noether : simmetrie and conservation laws – Dr.ssa F. BURGIO (INFNCT, CSFNSM) Me and Marie Curie: Particle Physics nowadays – Prof.ssa A. TRICOMI (Unict, CSFNSM, INFNCT) Me and Maria Goeppert Mayer: Nuclear Physics today – Dr.ssa S. PIRRONE (INFNCT, CSFNSM) Me and Chien Wu: nuclear transmutation in laboratory – Prof.ssa E. GERACI (Unict, CSFNSM, INFNCT) Me and Katherine Johnson: the space exploration – Dr.ssa I. PAGANO (INAF, CSFNSM) Me and Vera Rubin: the Dark Matter – Prof.ssa M. GULINO (CSFNSM, LNS) Me and Vivienne Malone-Mayes: Mathematics today – Prof.ssa P. DANIELE (Unict) Me and Joycelyn Bell Burners: pulsars and Radioastronomy – Dr.ssa G. UMANA (INAF, CSFNSM) Me and Claudia Alexander: the solar system exploration – Prof.ssa F. ZUCCARELLO (Unict, CSFNSM, INAF) Me and Donna Strickland: Laser and Photonics today – Dr.ssa M. J. LO FARO (Unict, CSFNSM)   Event co-funded by the European Social Fund Sicily. Who: CSFNSM Città della Scienza - Università di Catania Project type:  virtual exhibition and live talk show from CSFNSM facebook and youtube channels Edition: 2020
  • Cheops...Ready to go!

    Cheops... ready to go!

    The Christmas of exoplanets
        The launch of CHEOPS, the first satellite of the European Space Agency dedicated to the study of planets outside our Solar System, is scheduled for next December 17th. 130 students and their teachers will follow the live launch from the Città della Scienza auditorium, together with the researchers involved in the mission.During the morning the boys and girls will be guided to discover the extrasolar planets, participate in interactive games and decorate the Città della Scienza Christmas tree with Christmas exoplanets to celebrate together the "Christmas of the exoplanets". Quando e dove:   17 Dicembre 2019 Città della Scienza Via Simeto 24 Catania   The launch of CHEOPS, the first satellite of the European Space Agency dedicated to the study of planets outside our Solar System, is scheduled for next December 17th. CHEOPS will be launched with a Soyuz rocket from the European spaceport in French Guyana. 130 students and their teachers will follow the live launch from the Città della Scienza auditorium, together with the researchers involved in the mission. During the morning the boys and girls will be guided to the discovery of the extrasolar planets, they will attend the launch, scheduled at 9:54, they will follow the first phases of flight until the satellite is separated from the rocket, they will participate in interactive games and decorate the tree Science of Christmas with Christmas exoplanets to celebrate together the "Christmas of the exoplanets". The event is organized by the INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Catania, whose director is the scientific responsible for Italian participation in the mission, from the Sicilian Center for Nuclear Physics and Structure of Matter, from Città della Scienza - University of Catania and from the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Ettore Majorana" of the University of Catania.   The discovery, 24 years ago, of 51 Peg b, the first planet in orbit around a star other than the Sun, has earned the Nobel Prize2019 for Physics to its discoverers: the astronomers Michel Mayore Didier Queloz. From 1995 onwards, thanks to increasingly sensitive tools, the researchers discovered more than 4,000 exoplanets. The CHEOPS mission is in this scenario. CHEOPS - Characterising ExOPlanet Satellite - is a small satellite for the study of extrasolar planets. Proposed in 2012 in response to a call from the European Space Agency (ESA) under the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program, it was selected from dozens of competing projects. The satellite, 1.5 meters high and with a hexagonal base of maximum width 1.6 meters, weighs 280 kilos, including the propellant. It carries a Ritchey-Chrétien mount telescope, with a 32cm diameter main mirror and a f / 8 focal ratio. The telescope sends the image on a Teledyne e2v CCD detector with 1024 × 1024 pixels and a 13 µm pixel pitch, cooled to 233 K with a stability of 10 mK. The optical project of the telescope, formulated by the researchers of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) of Catania and Padua, is innovative for the requirements of unusual compactness, due to the limited space available, and the extreme reduction of the diffused light, to obtain the measurement accuracy required by the scientific objectives of the mission. The telescope was therefore built in Italy at Leonardo s.r.l. laboratories, with the contribution of Thales Alenia Space and Medialario, under the supervision of the Italian Space Agency and the scientific coordination of INAF researchers. CHEOPS will be placed in orbit by a Soyuz carrier, whose launch will take place at 09:54 - local time in Italy - next December 17th. Together with CHEOPS, the Italian spacecraft COSMO-Skymed Second Generation (SSG) of the Italian Space Agency will be launched with the same carrier, as well as some small cubesat satellites. The first to leave the rocket, once out of the atmosphere, will be Cosmo SSG.We will have to wait about two hours, around 12:20 for the separation of CHEOPS from the Soyuz. Another 30 minutes and there will be the first acquisition of the CHEOPS satellite signal. CHEOPS will observe more than 7 thousand stars in its 3 and a half years of nominal duration. This mission is dedicated to the characterization of exoplanets already known and passing in front of their star. The accurate measurement of the planetary ray - obtainable with CHEOPS - combined with the measurement of the mass - obtained with the method of radial velocities from ground-based telescopes - will allow us to determine the internal structure of a planet or to understand whether it is rocky, gaseous or ice and therefore to establish if there are such conditions to host life. The CHEOPS mission is born from the collaboration of scientists and engineers, research institutes, universities and industries, from eleven European countries led by the European Space Agency (ESA) and from Switzerland. Researchers from the National Institute of Astrophysics in Catania and Padua, with the support of the Italian Space Agency, played a key role in the design of the telescope, and joined the industry - Leonardo sr.l. with the collaboration of Thales Alenia Space and Medialario - in the construction and test phases. The scientific team of INAF and the University of Padua has contributed to the preparation of the scientific program and is now ready to receive the data and proceed with their analysis and interpretation.   Event Program ➔     09:00 - 09:15 Welcome and Institutional greetings ➔     09:15 - 09:35 Extrasolar planets and Cheops ➔     09:35 Connection with Kourou spaceport ➔     09:54 Soyuz take-off ➔     10:15 – 11:15 Refreshment and decoration of Christmas tree with extrasolar planets ➔     11:15 - 12:15 Games and exoplanets ➔     12:19 Separation of Cheops ➔   ~12:50 First opportunity acquisition of the signal from Cheops ➔   ~13:00 The End!     SPEAKERSAlessia Tricomi - Delegate of the Rector to the coordination of the Third Mission, to Città della Scienza and to the Public Engagement and Director of the Sicilian Center for Nuclear Physics and of Matter Structure ➢Isabella Pagano - Director of INAF, Catania Astrophysical Observatory and Scientific Director of CHEOPS in Italy in connection with the Italian Space Agency, Rome  ➢ Elena Geraci - Delegate of the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Ettore Majorana" at the Third Mission  ➢ Giuseppe Cutispoto - Outreach & Education Office Manager - INAF, Catania Astrophysical Observatory  ➢ Giuseppe Leto - INAF Catania Astrophysical Observatory, CHEOPS team  ➢ Gaetano Scandariato - INAF Catania Astrophysical Observatory, CHEOPS team  ➢ Giovanni Bruno - INAF Catania Astrophysical Observatory, CHEOPS team  ➢ Daniela Sicilia - UNIPD & INAF Catania Astrophysical Observatory, CHEOPS team   IN CONNECTION FROM KOUROU (to be confirmed based on connection availability) ➢ Roberto Ragazzoni - Director of INAF Padova and responsible for the optics of the CHEOPS telescope ➢ Giampaolo Piotto - Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padua, Member of the Scientific Council of Cheops   SUPPORT ➢   Giancarlo Bellassai (INAF), Flavia Calderone (INAF), Livio Caruso (CSFNSM), Letizia Giuffrida (CSFNSM), Gabriella Guarino (CdS-UniCT)         Protagonisti: INAF-OACT, CSFNSM, Città della Scienza, DFA, UNICT Tipologia progetto: diretta streaming del lancio, presentazioni, giochi e attività creativa Edizione: 2019
  • Generation Equality: stop violence against women

    Generation Equality: stop violence against women

    Video, images, story to contrast gender violence
        CSFNSM for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women adheres to the campaign #GenerationEquality promoted by UN Women.
  • Pint of Science 2019

    Pint of Science 2019

    Meetings and scientific debates in pubs
        Pint of Science, the largest scientific dissemination event in the world, for the third time in Catania thanks to the CSFNSM which is its local sponsor. Three days of science and beer to informally talk about the most recent scientific research. And this year we enrich our offer with 4 pubs and 5 themes.
  • IG Nobel EuroTour

    IG Nobel Tour

    Marc Abrahams
        What is Improbable Research? Mark Abrahams will explain the IG Nobel prize and what is a research that makes people laugh and then think.
  • CSFNSM Women

    CSFNSM Women

    International Women's Day
        The Sicilian Center for Nuclear and Condensed Matter Physics (CSFNSM) celebrates all the women working in science with an event organised  for the International Women's Day #BalanceforBetter 
  • A meter of Science

    A Meter of Science 

    Sharper - European Research Night
        A Meter of Science is the European Researchers' Night on the Catania Metro. If you like to travel to the discovery of science, plan your route with the stops you prefer and discover the passion of the Catanese researchers, Metro di Scienza is the appointment for you!
  • The Color of Science

    The Color of Science

    The Big Draw Festival
        The Big Draw Festival, the biggest drawing party in the world, stops in Catania at A Meter of Science, on the occasion of the European Researchers' Night
  • XV Seminar on Software for Nuclear, Subnuclear and Applied Physics

    XV Seminar on Software for Nuclear, Subnuclear and Applied Physics

    GEANT4 School
        The "XV Seminar on Software for Nuclear, Subnuclear and Applied Physics will be hold in Alghero from May 27th till June 1st. The event is organised by CSFNSM, INFN and the University of Sassari. 
  • CERN sotto il Vulcano

    CERN sotto il Vulcano

    Photo Exhibition - Event
      Photo exhibition-event, organized in cooperation with the University of Catania and INFN and sponsored by the City of Catania, dedicated to the first 60 years of the European Center for Nuclear Research.  
  • Dalle Stelle alle Particelle

    Dalle Stelle alle Particelle

    Meeting - Debate
      Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia taking part to the program "Le studentesse vogliono contare", sponsored by MIUR in the month of STEM-Sciente, Technology, Engineering e Math, it is pleased to invite you to participate in the meeting/debate


      PHOSforeSCIENZA ( ) is an event held in Catania from November 21th to 29th organized by "Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia" – CSFNSM in the occasion of the 60th anniversary since its foundation.
© 2022 Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia. All Rights Reserved. Originally designed By Diana Salemi