A Meter of Science
Sharper - European Research Night
A Meter of Science is the European Researchers' Night on the Catania Metro. If you like to travel to the discovery of science, plan your route with the stops you prefer and discover the passion of the Catanese researchers, Metro di Scienza is the appointment for you! |
Where and When:
28 September from 16 till 24 Giovanni XXIII Metro Station Metro Milo Metro Station |
A Meter of Science is the European Researchers' Night at the Catania Metro, within the SHARPER project! From the early afternoon to midnight on September 28, fifty researchers from Catania will talk about science and the passion that moves them, in the large spaces of the stations Giovanni XXIII and Milo of the Catania underground. Starting at 4:00 pm, at the Milo station, a talent show (200 seconds of science) will see young doctoral candidates competing to recount the research they are involved in. The public will decide who will be the winner of the prize at stake! From 17 onwards, 24 scientific mini-talk (8 minutes each) will alternate, in groups of three, between the stations Milo and Giovanni XXIII. From nanotechnology to nutrition, from particle physics to the energy of the future, one can satisfy one's scientific curiosity, through a journey from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, passing through the secrets of the cosmos, the volcanoes, the quarks ... At the Giovanni XXIII station a large hall with chairs will host the three performances scheduled. A Metro of Science will also present “Color of Science“, a catanese stage of The Big Draw Festival, the largest design festival in the world. The theme of our appointment will be to put science and its protagonists in graphic form, to promote design and science as universal languages capable of changing lives and bringing together people of all ages, origins, races or religions of the world. Suitable for anyone who loves to draw and even those who believe they can not do it, children and adults: all you have to do is give space to your imagination! From 16 onwards and throughout the night, thanks to the sponsorship of Fabriano, you will find paper suitable for different techniques: for pencils, pastels, watercolors, acrylics ... We will also let you find some colors but if you are an expert artist and you want to be sure to find the ones that best suit your favorite technique, we suggest you bring them from home. And for those who do not want to venture alone, do not worry: there will also be a sheet of 10 meters, for a gigantic shared design, to be done together. The best graphic works in the three categories (small artists, under 12 years of age, high school and high school students and Fine Arts academies, general public aged over 12 years) will be rewarded with a small souvenir of this magical night between art and science. And then again: a large space dedicated to the control of volcanoes and to the instrumentation of geophysicists and a prize game on social networks to immortalise the protagonists of the research in Catania. If you like to travel to the discovery of science, plan your route with the stops you prefer and discover the passion of the Catanese researchers, Meter of Science is the appointment for you! Metro di Scienza is a completely free event organized by the Sicilian Center for Nuclear Physics and Structure of Matter together with FCE - Metropolitana di Catania, in collaboration with UniCT, INFN, INGV, INAF, CNR, and with EPS-Young Minds Catania, Titania Judo Academy, Etna Chess Center, IC "E. De Amicis "Randazzo and" Vespucci, Capuano, Pirandello "Catania. For logistical reasons, for the participation in "Color of Science", we ask you to book for one of the available time slots by filling out the form available on the official website of Sharper - European Researchers' Night.
To attend some activities it is necessary to obtain a Metro ticket. For Metro di Scienza the daily tickets will be sold at the discounted price of € 1.00 starting from 16.00 in Stesicoro, Giovanni XXIII, Milo and Biglietteria stations of the Borgo station (to obtain the discounted ticket, always contact the staff and not to the issuers). In addition, the metro service will be active until midnight with the last ride from Stesicoro at 00:00, and the last ride from NESIMA at 11:30 pm. The MetroShuttle service will also be extended for the occasion, with last departure from Milo at 11.00 pm. Take advantage of the Metro to move from the center (Piazza Università, Stesicoro stop) to the Cittadella Universitaria (Milo stop, and shuttle bus connection), passing through Piazza Giovanni XXIII (stop of the same name, near Città della Scienza) and the Botanical Garden (stop Village). A Meter of Science is an event recognized in the official calendar of the European Year of Cultural Heritage
Protagonisti: Researchers Organized by CSFNSM with FCE- Metropolitana di Catania in collaborazione with Università di Catania CNR-IMM INAF INFN INGV EPS-Young Minds Titania Judo Academy Centro Etna Scacchi IC "E. De Amicis" - Randazzo IC "Vespucci, Capuano, Pirandello"- Catania and with the sponsorship of Fabriano Hdemia Cartoleria e Belle Arti |
Project: The event includes mini-conferences and shows of science and fun-recreational, exhibition of scientific instruments and exhibition panels, impromptu art by the participating public |
Edition: 2018 |