Foundation 10 March 1955
(Notary Eusebio MIRONE) the Sicilian Center for Nuclear Physics (CSFN) was founded for initiative of prof. Renato Ricamo, Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Catania.
The establishment of the CSFN was strongly supported by the Rector of the University of Catania, prof. Cesare Sanfilippo.
Founders Institutions were: University of Catania, University of Palermo, Provincial Administration of Catania, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Catania, Sicilian Agency of Electricity (ESE), Banco di Sicilia, Cassa Centrale Risparmio Vittorio Emanuele.
Purpose : (Article 1 of the Statute) To develop research in nuclear physics, also for training of technicians and for medical, civil and industrial applications.
December 12, 1955
The Center is recognized as juridical personality by Decree of the President of the Region n. 503/A
Initial goal: to destine financial fund to purchase a nuclear beam accelerator and to construct a building for its installation, to install and test the machine and all its accessories, to equip a laboratory for performing nuclear research, as well as to assign personnel to the activities of the Center.
The first director was Prof. Renato Ricamo.
Since the founding until 1959, other institutions joined, Federation of Industrialists of Sicily, Sicilian Thermoelectric Company (STES) Ltd., University of Messina.
Activity organization:
An Executive Board coordinates the activities of the Center. It is composed of the representatives of the participant institutions, with chair the Director, who, at first, was the Director of the Institute of Physics of the University of Catania.
February 1, 1967
(Notary Ferdinando Portale) the Universities of Catania, Palermo and Messina, the Provincial Administration of Catania, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Catania and Banco di Sicilia, renewed their membership to the Center.
The director of the Center was Prof. Italo Federico Quercia.
Some changes were included in the Statute:
new name: Sicilian Center of Nuclear Physics and Physics of Matter (CSFNSM)
Purpose: to promote research in Nuclear Physics and Physics of Matter, also for training of technicians and for medical, civil and industrial applications.
January 4, 1977
(Notary Gaetano Musumeci) all the previous member institutions, except the Banco di Sicilia, renewed their membership to the Center.
The art. 4 of the statute was modified: the Director is chosen among the Physics professors of the Faculty of Science, University of Catania.
The director of the Center was Prof. Antonino Rubbino.
March 7, 1996
(Notary Maria Grazia Tomasello) the University of Catania and Messina, Catania Municipality (since May 15, 1997) and the Province of Catania renewed their membership to the Center.
The art.s 1, 4, 5, 6 of the Statute were modified.
The director of the Center was Prof. Salvatore Lo Nigro.
October 19, 2000
(Notary Maria Grazia Tomasello) the following institutions renewed their membership for the period 2000/2004: the Universities of Catania and Messina, the Regional Province of Catania, the Municipality of Catania. In the same act, the membership of the Institute of Medical Research and Environmental (IRMA) Ltd. Acireale was notified.
A Reviser Committee was established, designated by the Executive Board and representing each institution.
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10.03.1955 to 31.12.1964 Prof. Renato RICAMO |
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01.01.1965 to 31.08.1970 Prof. Italo Federico QUERCIA |
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01.09.1970 to 31.12.1979 Prof. Antonino RUBBINO |
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01.01.1980 to 31.12.1982 Prof. Attilio AGODI |
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01.01.1983 to 29.04.1989 Prof. Antono Nunzio MANCINI |
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30.04.1989 to 31.01.2010 Prof. Salvatore LO NIGRO |
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01.02.2010 to today Prof. Sebastiano Francesco ALBERGO |