PHOSforeSCIENZA ( ) is an event held in Catania from November 21th to 29th organized by "Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia" – CSFNSM in the occasion of the 60th anniversary since its foundation.
When and where:
21-29 November from 9.00 to 20.00 - Centro fieristico "Le Ciminiere" Viale Africa - Catania |
The event is devoted to celebrate the International Year of Light through an exposition done in the Ciminiere Conference center, which includes about 15 exposition stations organized in three different Sections: Solid State Physics, Astrophysics and Nuclear and Particle Physics. The event includes exhibition of scientific instruments and interactive stations where the visitor exploits the importance of light in the different branches of Physics. During the exhibition period, seminars and projections about the role of the Light in Science have been part of the program. The first Section will be devoted to Optics and Light-Material interaction: the visitor will learn how light can be modified by lens, prisms and mirrors and how light can be used as source of energy through the use of solar panels. The second Section will be devoted to light, which arrive on the Earth from Universe. A planetarium will be projected and several interactive applications will help the visitor to familiarize with the concepts of black holes, cosmic microwave background, dark matter, evolution of the Universe. The third Section will bring the visitor from the infinitely large to the infinitely small. The visitor will have the opportunity to see a working Spark Chamber, several detectors and last but not least the first nuclear accelerator ever used in Sicily which is a Van der Graaf accelerator hold by CSFNSM since 1965 which is at the basis of the Nuclear and Particle accelerator Physics born in Catania. Also in this station several interactive applications will be available. During the exhibition period seminars and projections about the role of the Light in Science and Social Life are also foreseen. |
Protagonists: Researchers from Catania involved in research at CERN |
Progect tipology: Event |
Edizion: 2015 |