Turn on Sharper's owl
Paper circuits laboratory for the European Researchers' Night
Il CSFNSM partecipa a Sharper 2023 - Notte Europea dei Ricercatori con un laboratorio sui circuiti elettrici per costruire un gufetto di Sharper luminoso.
Where and When:
29 September The lab will be held from 16:30 to 20:00 Città della Scienza Via Simeto 1 |
The yellow owl is the logo of Sharper Catania - European Researchers' Night. The activity we propose is a small workshop to learn how to build a paper circuit that allows you to create luminous owls. Let's light up the city together with Sharper's little owls. Color and build a small electrical circuit with us to light up the eyes of our owls. Add your name and personalize your owl. As soon as it gets dark we will turn them all on together to illuminate Città della Scienza. Electricity laboratory suitable for ages 7 and up... there are no age limits for having fun together! Reservation is not necessary but we will have shifts of around 45 minutes with a maximum of 20 participants per shift to be able to work together as best we can. The workshop is free and the material necessary for its implementation will be provided.
For further information on the event we invite you to consult the complete programme Sharper Catania. |
Who: CSFNSM & Città della Scienza Università di Catania |
Project type: Laboratory from 7 years old | ||
Edition: 2023 |